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beta fish tail followup

23 15:09:08

Hey Chris,
I have read a previous question that you answered about the Betta fish losing its tail.  I think mine is getting its tail torn up by the plants.  Does this do any harm to the Betta fish?  What can I do? Should I just let things run as it is? Thanks for your help.

Hi Andrew;

It could cause infection. The best thing to do is make plenty of water changes to be sure it isn't fin rot. Clean water helps a great deal. It will often enable the fish to fight off the infection on it's own. Melafix is very helpful, as is high temperatures. He should be 80 degrees all day and all night.

If these measures don't help, take the plants out and see how your fish does. Some Bettas just get tangled more easily than others.

Followups welcome

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Chris Robbins

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