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Goldfish illness

23 11:57:55

One of my goldfish in my 75 Gal tank has a white growth on the beginning of his tail ( between his tail and body) it appears hard and white and is growing straight out of his body what is this? how do I cure it? should I remove him from the tank?

Hi Toni,

In order to effectively help you I do need to know how many and who the other tank mates are, how long the 75 G has been running and what your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are.  99% of fish disease is directly related to the results of these tests.

Is the white a patch of his back or hanging freely from the fish like a worm?  Is the white small bumps, look like salt sprinkles or baby powder or does it look fuzzy of hairy?  Possible to take a picture and upload it?

As soon as I have a little more information I can help you treat the fish appropriately.

Good luck : ) April M.