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water conditions

23 11:50:15

I have a 72gal. tank with one 10" upside down cat and the tank is over 8 months old and I'm having a problem getting the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels down. I've done water changes, added cycle biological chemical and ammo lock, salt and I'm using natural spring water. the ph is around 7.0 to 7.2 and the temp is around 75 the fish one day turned white and floated to the top, after putting two new air pumps the fish came back to black, but lost it's eye sight in one eye. I have two filters with bio wheels that move around 730gal and hr. and they more than enough charcoal. I have no plants except java moss. I change 10 - 25% water, but the levels of ammonia does not change. what am I'm doing wrong?

Hi Eddie,
 How often do you do water changes?  You should be changing 25% once a week, every week.

 The most common reason for high ammonia, etc is overfeeding.  Only put in food that the fish eat right away.  Never put food in the tank for the fish "to eat later".  It will rot and cause ammonia problems.  

 There is no need to add the cycle stuff after the first time.  I also don't see any value in adding any salt or ammo lock.  

 Is it possible that your test kit is not working right? If the tank really has high ammonia levels, it should smell bad. Does it?

-- Ron
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