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Tank Mates for Jellybean Parrot Chiclids

23 14:46:14

I just got a 50g tank and I really like the Parrot chiclids, the problem is I work at a pet store that sells them and they say they are not a communal fish and can be very aggressive but the other research I've done states otherwise "very mild mannered". I'm very confused, Can I get your input?

Next question... I also like the smaller version of the clown knifefish I believe its called the Brown Knifefish (dark brown with orangish strip down its back) would that make for a good companion with the parrots and another I was interested in was the Asian Needle Gar,a Columbian shark, and another kind of Chiclid they are smaller but very bright colours of Blues and yellows. Is that mixture a bad idea?

If you say only the Parrots such as the girl I work with said how many can I afford to put in a 50g tank without over crowding it?

Is it true that the Clown Knifefish as an adult can get 24" long and that its only recommended that you buy one if you have at least a 100g tank?

Hi Melanie,
  Do not put other fish in with parrot cichlids.  The other fish won't last.  

  Adult parrot cichlids are about 8 to 10 inches in length so I would only have a couple or at most 4 in a 50 gallon tank.

  Yes, clown knifefish grow to be VERY large.

-- Ron
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