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Female/Male Betas

23 13:58:18

My male beta has taken up hiding in a sunken boat in the 10 gallon tank I have. He is hiding from the female.  I removed her and put her in a smaller tank and now he is not hiding anymore.  I was concerned because he would not even come out to eat or go up for air. This seems backwards from what I have read, can you help?  It was just the male, female beta and a snail in the tank.  I have had the male over a year and the female about 3 months.  When I first put her in the tank, he bothered her a little until she grabbed hold of his tale and would not let go.  After that they got along fine until about a week ago. What should I do?

Hi Kathy,
 It is very possible that your "female" betta is not a female at all, but rather a young male.  Often young males are sold as females.

-- Ron
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