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Bloated Belly

23 11:01:53

My Beta fish
My Beta fish  

Bloated Belly
Bloated Belly  
For the past two months, my female beta fish has developed a bloated abdomen. I've searched several sites trying figure out if it is a tumor, dropsy, bacterial infection, or even cancer but with not success. My fish does not swim at all, she just stays at a little corner. In the beginning, she was still eating but then, she stopped for a while. On her right side of the bloated abdomen, a huge bubble with blood grew (her fish skin had been ripped even), but now, it seems like it has cured. She is eating better but the belly is still abnormally big. I change 20% of the water one to two times a week and give her food two times a day. Could be a tumor? Any cure?
Thank You.

Hi Diana,
  In my opinion, that is some sort of tumor or else a large internal parasite.  Unfortunately there is no way to treat that sort of thing that I know of.

-- Ron Coleman
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