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Sick Black Moor. Do I euthanise

23 14:45:39

Hi there... My black moor has been sick for about 3 weeks now.  At first he just had a fungus on his eyes and the pet shop told me he was just constipated & had a fungus so I treated him for that.  His scales are now standing on end and he shakes, does not move too much & refuses to eat.  I am now putting epson salts in the tank, Melafix & Sterazin to try to help his dropsy but nothing is working.  I have tried everything I can.  Is it cruel to keep him alive? I think he may have popeye as well as one eye is alot bigger than the other.  I don't want to kill him and I am so upset but am I being crueler keeping him alive?

Hello Anita-

I'm very sorry to hear about your little guy... :(
I can't say I have had any success at treating dropsy once the fish's scales are raised; by this time there is usually permanent damage to the fish's organs and hope of recovery is slim.

You've been a great fish "mom" and you have done everything I would have suggested to try to cure your fish.  That being said, no one can decide your fish's fate except for you. If you decide to put him to sleep, you can buy a product called FinQuel (or you can use the at home substitution of clove oil.) These two chemicals are the most humane when it comes to euthanizing fish. Don't try to freeze him - moors are naturally used to cool water and by the time the temperature drops to lethal levels, his blood will have developed ice crystals - not a painless, kind death in any way.

I wish I could offer you something more than my condolences, but in the end it is up to you.

Amber worman