Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Sick Beta with Bubble(s?) over his eye(s?)

Sick Beta with Bubble(s?) over his eye(s?)

23 15:01:24

Hi...thanks for all you do...I've read several of your posts and it sounds like you are a great asset to the pet world! I've been having a problem w/my beta for the last 2 weeks or so. He was fine...I think it was until my 7 year old daughter put a mirror up next to the tank to "give him a friend." Since then he has acted very strange...he used to come up to visit when you came in the room and wait to be fed, etc. Now all he does is try to hide in the bottom of the bowl. I haven't seen him eat for at least 2 weeks (I've been counting pellats, etc.). In the last week he has developed BB sized "bubbles" over one eye. It seems to be pushing his eye down and looks like a pocket of air. I can't quite tell if the other side is starting one or not. I can't see ANY other physical problems. I have changed the bowl water and used Splendid Beta complete water conditioner. He is in the bathroom which is the warmest room in the house. We have had him for 6 months or so and he has been so fun! I've just never seen anything like this and have no idea what to do for him. (we've had several over the years) Thanks for your help...Erica

Hi Erica;

Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it. ;-)

It sounds like a case of "popeye". Here are links to good articles about it and treatment options;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins