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which fish is attacking my goldfish?

23 14:28:50

I have a 4ft Tropical tank and have a number of different species. I have recently lost 4 neon tetras 4 guppies and two small black fantail goldfish. The goldfish had had their fins attacked by some other fish in the tank and i was wondering if you could tell me which fish it may be and if i should remove them from the tank.  I have 2 quite large silver dollars, 2 smaller angels, 2 large gold comets, 4 zebra danios, 4 Buenes Aires tetras

The 2 angels and the 2 silver dollars are the aggresive fish in the tank you need to take those out and you should be fine because silver dollars are like pirahnas and the angels are semi aggresive but become even more aggresive if they are a breeding pair of them.

if their is any other questions you want me to answer just ask.

hope this helps!!!!!!!