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My Oscar is acting very strange, need help.

23 12:00:51


Oscar 1

My Oscar is in a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft tank with a Golden Severum, a smaller oscar, a large pearl gourami and two purple gobies.  The oscar is apparently 18months old from what the previous owner told me.  I've had him around 2months now, he used to eat loads and always come to the front of the tank and swim across whilst I walked and just being a normal oscar.  But recently (since sunday) my Oscar has been acting very strange, it stays next to this large Clay pot and lies on it most of the day without moving much.  The Other oscar used to lie with it but not anymore.  
And the big oscar only comes to the top of the tank when I feed it...  All the other fish are healthy.
Tank temperature, 26 celsius and the ammonia-nitrate trace is O.  pH is 7.2.
I've read up on this and had an article and it said that Oscars are quite lazy and will lie at the bottom of tank.  But I just really need to know.

Thank you.

Hi Jesse,
 Some oscars do naturally lie on the bottom. It isn't that they are lazy; it is partly how they hunt other fish.  They pretend to be dead
and then spring up and eat little fish that come by.  Of course, a sick oscar will also do the same thing.  

  Are you doing regular weekly partial water changes?  You should be changing 25% of the water once a week, every week.  

-- Ron
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