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water change for beta fish

23 15:05:56

I have a 5 gallon tank for my beta with a filtration system. I recently bought a live plant for him, and about a month later his tank started to grow a bunch of green long floaty stuff all over.  Is this because of the live plant?  And also to do the water change do I need to take him out?  or is it ok to just pour the water in as long as it has been dechlorinated?  How do I get rid of the green stuff that keeps growing?  Please Help.   Thanks, Raquel

Hi Raquel;

The green floaty stuff is just algae. It isn't because of the plant, it just naturally grows and you just wipe it, pull it or net it out. Algae eating fish get too big for your little tank and might nip your betta. They would eat your plant too.

When making a water change in your betta's tank you shouldn't remove him. It is more stressful for him if you do that. Just siphon or dip out 25% of the water every week. Vacuum the gravel every 2 or 3 weeks. Simply pour the new conditioned fresh water into the tank with the betta. Just be sure it is the same temperature as the old water to avoid shock.

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