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23 15:03:20

Hi, my name is judy, from ecuador, south america (my english is not so good)

I'm writing a project for my university about a restaurant with asian style, you know, with fish tanks, but I need to know from an expert the next questions (thank you very very much):

1. Can I put in one aquarium fish and lobsters? Are the lobsters going to eat or hurt the fishes? I mean, how many tanks am I going to need? How must I separate them? In one tank lobsters, in other one fishes, in other one shrimps, in other one crabs? Help!!

2. How must I feed them? Do they all eat the same? what frequency?

3.what about the temperature of each tank?

Thank you very much for your help.  

Hi Judy,
  Do you intend for the customers to eat the fish or are they for show?

  Lobsters, crabs and shrimp need very cold water.  
Most fishes that you might keep need warmer water than that.

  If you intend for them to live any length of time, then you need to feed them.  Generally you can feed fish once a day.  Different kinds of animals eat different things so it depends on exactly which kinds of animals you put in the aquarium.

-- Ron
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