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aquarium salt

23 14:21:38

QUESTION: Hi, Will aquarium salt help clear up a white cottony patch on my female parrot fish? I know she is a female because she keeps laying eggs.They don't hatch which is probaly a good thing! Also, I have a 30 gallon tank and I do weekly water changes is that too much? I only have two parrot fish in the tank. (I got them for a gift). I am new at all this, so I would appreciate your input. Thanks.

ANSWER: Virginia,          No aquarium salt won't clear this up. Though it is good to have. It keeps the happy and bright, and helps in osmosis(the way they drink, absorption and release of wastes)You should only be doing water changes once a month, and filter change. This sounds like a bite or a fungus. If it is stringy it is prob a fungus. If not lets medicate with a mild and all natural antibiotic melafix....follow directions ..remove carbon while you medicate. After do a 25% water change and new carbon.If it doesn't look like it is healing medicate with erythromycin.... same thing no carbon. I hope when you are doing water changes you are siphoning your rocks. Your bacteria layer can only eat so much , you have to get them solid wastes out. Go to your local pet shop they have syphons about 10 bucks and should be able to show you how to use the . Especially with your parrots they are a large fish or soon will be , but beautiful. Good Luck, Tina Let me know how everything went

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tina, you said I should do a water change about once a month, what should I do when the water evaporates? also, how much should I feed them? they are about 5 inches each. and what temperature should I keep the heater at? Thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate it. Virginia

Viginia,          Feed once in the morning and once in the early evening.Always keep you water topped off.You should keep them between 76 and 78. They are going to be fine . Let me know what happens with the melafix and if you had to go to the eurythromycin.Oh and remember your aquarium salt is a mineral and does not evaporate so no matter what they tell you at the pet shop only replace approx what you need for the gallons you syphoned out when you do water changes.Also it helps ease their stress and will help them resist parasites and fungus in the future. Good Luck, Tina