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fish types

23 14:44:41

Hi Chris...
 can i have 2 tiger barbs,1 male guppy  and 3 platy's in the same tank??what type of food should i use for all the fish??

Hi Madhu;

Guppies and platies are okay together but the tiger barbs would be too aggressive. They will nip the others to death. Be sure you have a big enough tank. If it is 10 gallons or larger, the guppy and platies are perfect. Anything smaller wouldn't do. Also, be aware of the break-in period so you can get your tank started successfully. Here is a link to my web page about it to help you know more;

Your fish will do very well on a varied diet that starts with a basic flake food, veggies such as cooked green beans, cooked and peeled green peas, cooked squash, cooked shredded carrots, romaine lettuce, and cucumber slices. These foods keep the digestion of the fish healthy. Feed the basic flake once a day and maybe one piece of veggie 3 times a week. The basic flake food can be a color enhancing one too to help keep their reds, yellow and orange natural coloration vivid. The green veggies and carrots help that too.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins