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Goldfish upside down

23 14:59:22

Hi there, my lionhead goldfish has been swimming upside down for months now. She is still eating properly but i feel sad seeing her always that way. My local fish pet shop suggested that she may be having digestion problem. I tried feeding her with peas for 2 months, but it seems no improvement. Tried medication, also no help. She is also rather weak it seems, whenever i tried to give her a return to the main tank, she will let the current from the pump blow her away and she will be floating away for a minutes before recovering to head down position. I've transfered her into a small tank since then. Hope you can provide some help to save her from being so depressed. Thanks.

Hello "Mr. Fishy"

When fish start swimming upside down, usually it's one of two problems: environmental or swim bladder related.

Swim bladder problems are hard to treat; (my first advice would have been peas!) but you can try fasting her for a week and adding a little aquarium salt to her tank. Try getting the temperature near 70 F. Also be sure her water is very clean - Treat tap water to remove chlorine and other harsh chemicals, and be sure it is the same temperature before adding it to her tank. Do partial water changes every week.

Good luck with your little one, and I hope this information was helpful to you.

-Amber Worman