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Betta Tail disease?

23 14:50:05

I was wondering if you could help me with my betta.  I have noticed over the past week that he has lost a large chunk of his tail (he is not with any other fish in the tank).  I noticed it when I cleaned the tank and put some new plants in there.  Over the week the chunk has got bigger and I have also noticed spots on his two front flippers (I'm sure if they have been there all along or not).  He still seems quite active at times and has kept his vibrant colour.  It just seems like his tail is disintegrating and bits are falling onto the bottom of the tank.  What is happening and why has it happened? Is it the temperature or not enough/too much water conditioner?

Hello Jessica-

Fin chunks falling off indicate one of two things: fin rot (black, rotting edges of the fins) or sharp decorations/plants.

One of my bettas started losing bits of his tail, and it was because of a sharp aquarium decoration he had been rubbing against. My advice, unless the symptoms of fin rot are present, is to remove all plants and decorations and trim them with scissors until they are soft and will not cut him. The decorations should be soft when you rub them on your palm, not stiff or pokey.

Hope this helps, sorry for the wait!
-Amber Worman