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My Balck molly

23 14:02:13

My black molly has been staying at the bottom of the tank for a couple of days now and her belly is really big and round she has a light black spot near her anal fin.
so this morning i took her out of the tank and put her in a new one.
Do you think that she could be pregnant?
should i put her back with the others?
and if she is how long does it take for her the have her fry?
Thanks Rachel  


She is definetely pregnant.

I would keep her alone if you want the fry to survive. Make sure her tank water is pristine. 25% water changes every other day minimum.

If she is very fat it shouldn't be more than 2 weeks before she has her baby, it is hard to tell without a pic though. Don't be surpirsed though if she has her babies tomorrow, all fish have different schedules.
