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23 14:11:56

Hi Mr. Alex, it's such an honor to write you.
I have a pregnant guppy, and frankly, she's kinda bursting, she's got huge and she doesn't wanna give birth at all. I don't what's wrong with her. I've already put it in the breeder but she doesn't release the babies. I remember my buddy said, i gotta put a piece of lettuce in the boiling water then i should put it in the breeder. He said, it has oil and it could help her release the babies easily. I already did the but it didn't work out either. I'm overwhelmed. By the way, i have a bunch of neon tetras in the aquarium, they're big enough to breed and mate, but i've never seen them laying eggs. They're schooling fish, they are always together. The thing is it's been 1 month already and they didn't do it so far? I was just wondering if you could let me know how i could mate them? Why don't they lay eggs? Thanks a zillion. I hope you can answer me ASAP 'cause my poor guppy will explode and die! LOL!

Well give the guppy some time as she may not be ready yet, I say a week, and also give plenti food but not too much that they cant eat it all in one sitting. As for your neon I have never breed them so I really know little of their mating sessions. Sorry. Well Have a nice day!