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Fish sick -ich?

23 14:21:56

Hi, my betta is sick! Symptoms include either racing around his bowl or lying
listlessly on his plant, rubbing against plant, not eating, not excited. I've
identified white specks mainly on his fins, but a few on his body and suspect
it's fin rot. I've ordered aquarisol and aquarium salt, but it's not going to get
here for a few days and I'm scared!  What's the best thing I can do for him
while I'm waiting for the medications to get here? Also, do you know if regular
pet stores usually carry fish medications?

Hi Kate;

Many pet stores do have fish supplies. Your fish needs medication right away so you might want to check it out. If they don't have aquarium salt, go to the grocery store and get "uniodized rock salt". Sometimes Kosher Salt is good too. Look on the label and be sure it has only salt and no other ingredients. Use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water.

Change his water very day and raise the water temperature by keeping him in a warm area or putting a light on his tank. The water changes will get rid of the parasites that are in the water as they burst from the spots on your fish. The higher temperature will weaken the parasites and help your fish's immune system.

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins