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Danio Babies

23 14:45:00

I have a 30 gal hex. with 5 black skirt tetras and 4 Zebra Danios. In the tank I have a net basket with at least 15 Danio babies. They are getting bigger. I don't know how big they should be before I introduce them into the "adult fish population"? I have been working hard to keep the little guys alive and I don't want them to be food for their tank mates. I tried one of them to see how the other fish would react and both tetras and Danio's chased it around. Luckily I was able to get the little guy out (man they are fast). Any tips?  

Hi Monica;

When they are too big to fit into the mouths of the other fish it's usually safe. That's about 1/4 to 1/3 of the bigger fishes' size. Put lots of hiding places in the tank for them to get away. When you try to release them again, feed the bigger fish in the opposite end of the tank while you release the babies. Hopefully it will keep them busy for a couple of minutes while the little ones hide.

Good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins