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Crown beta

23 12:00:59

We have a crown beta in a small (2 qt) bowl. The last two died after changing the water. I net the fish, put it in a small bowl while cleaning the other. I use no cleaners. Then I pour the water and beta from the smaller bowl into the cleaned one. The  time before, he was sluggush for a couple days but finally came around. This time he didn't make it. Any ideas?

Hello Chuck,
Bettas really need 2 gallons of water to be happy, and five is best.  Their water temperature should be 78-80 degrees, they really should have a heater.  Water changes every week are important using a good water conditioner such as Stress Coat or Aqua Plus, there is also a water conditioner especially for Bettas.  He should have a good diet.  Betta Pellet, Betta Flakes, Daphnia...alternating each day.  He should be fed pellets one day, flakes the next, and so on.  He should have 3 small meals a day - Example: 2 pellets for one meal.  His tummy is the size of his eye, we must always remember this.  He should also have bloodworms once a week as a treat, and he should fast one day a week to clean out his system.  On the day that he fasts, he should have a pea.  You take one frozen pea, and cook it until tender, remove the first layer, and cut it into small pieces, feeding the tiny pieces to your betta one at a time, making sure that he is eating it, and that it doesn't fall to the bottom of the tank.
The Betta is one of the most mistreated fish on the market.  It is sad to see them in these small bowls, and many die in this condition.  It is a money making market, and they tell us anything to sell their bettas.  Bettas may live in shallow waters, but they have lots of room to swim.  They are a tropical fish, and they do like to swim...seeing them in small containers, is cruel.  Of course they don't tell us this, and so bettas get sick, then we go back and buy more, and so on.  A betta is really an intelligent little fish, and if treated right could be your friend for a long time.
I hope this information helps you.
If you have other questions, do not hesitate to write me.
Have a wonderful holiday season.