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Cyclid Treatment

23 14:01:55

Dear Ron,
Thank you for offering your expertise. I acquired an injured cyclid about four days ago. His fins were torn and his lower lip was white with a little skin peeling off. I quickly set up a new tank (has no other choice) and have been treating him with melafix for three days now. While he has eaten a few pellets the last two days, his lower lip appears more damaged (now showing pink and more skin peeling). Could this be a sign of improvement or is there a better possible treatment? Any other input is much appreciated.

Hi Wendy,
 Often when a cichlid gets in a fight (as this fish has), it takes a few days for the full extent of the damage to show itself.  The good news is that most cichlids are pretty tough and can heal some really remarkable wounds.   Give him time and clean water and that will give him the best odds for a full recovery.

-- Ron
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