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Hi I recently read a question...

23 15:08:26

I recently read a question about a bloated betta fish.  That is exactly the problem I have with my  betta fish "Lucky". My question is if I have been overfeeding him and now decrease his food by 1/3 how long should it take before the bloating is gone.  I was told to feed him one pellet a day when I purchased him but he still seemed hungry so I started feeding him two pellets a day a couple of months ago. He would eat them within seconds. Yesterday my husband noticed the bloating which seemed to have happened overnight.  Thanks

Hi Yvette;

He may be constipated. That is usually the cause when it happens so quickly. Feed him some pieces of cooked green peas. Also add a pinch of regular epsom salts to his tank. Both of these have a laxative effect.

If you think he is overweight, then cut back to one pellet a day. I really can't say how long it will take for him to get thin again. Keep him warm so his metabolism stays higher. That will help too. Bettas should be at 75 or higher. They do best at 80 or 82.

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