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Betta fungus/popeye....

23 14:39:12

We have a very sick Betta.  He seems to have popeye, swim bladder disease, and this morning when we came in, we noticed a whiteish-gray colored fungus-like material on top of his head.  He had a sore on top of his nose - between his eyes, which we thought was getting better, but now this!  Any advice?  We have tried changing his water every few days, (and keeping the water level low so he can easily get to the top), antibiotics for the popeye, but nothing seems to be helping him.  What in the world would this new fungus problem be?  It seems to cover his eyes now.  Please help if you can.  Thank you!

I recommend firstly doing daily 20 percent daily water changes. That always improves a fish's chances of survival.
There are many different funguses a fish can get, so without pictures and a very precise description, it is impossible to tell what exactly it is. It may be columnaris, which can be treated with a fungal medication, but as I say, it could really be anything unfortunately. I recommend buying Melafix, which treats all the common fungus found on fish, and is known to be very effective.
Also feed him a variety of food. As well as flake food, feed him both frozen and live bloodworm, brineshrimp and daphnia, alongside cucumber and shelled and boiled peas. Feed a very small amount just once a day, and be careful not to overfeed.
I hope he gets better.
Good luck,