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New betta with colunmaris and septicemia?

23 14:27:58

Hello and thanks for giving your time to help others.

My question is regarding the new betta I got.  I'm certainly no expert, but I've been keeping bettas for about 4 years, so I'm not new to the hobby either.  I currently have 2: the sick one, and also a betta that I've had for 2 1/2 years.

I got a new betta on Wednesday, from a large chain pet store (not well kept).  He was a little listless when he got home, but I assumed it was from the stress of being moved, plus I know he'd been in the store in a cup for quite a while.  His dorsal and anal fins had some minor damage, but no redness or signs of infection.

He is living alone in a 2 gallon tank.  I hate to admit, I don't have the exact readings for the water parameters, but I know my water is moderately hard, with a pH usually around 7.5-7.7.

On Saturday night, I noticed some redness at the base of his tail, so I changed about 50% of his water.  However, his tail was mostly clamped, so I couldn't get a good look at it.  His dorsal & anal fins were open, and I could already see the damage starting to heal.

Sunday morning, the redness was worse; in addition, his tail was split in 2.  He was mostly just floating at the top of his tank, breathing heavily.  Being Sunday morning, I was not able to go to the store, luckily I had some Triple Sulpha on hand.  Started treating his tank with TS capsules.

Sunday night, his tail is getting worse.  There is now a rather large chunk missing (approx. 3 - 5 mm wide), right from the base.  Also, I have noticed a small amount of "fuzz" starting to grow on his back.  Ironically, his anal and dorsal fins are looking better.

He is still very lethargic, just floating at the top of the tank, except when he is startled, at which point he darts around the tank for a few moments, and then settles back to the top.  He was swimming around a little, but not much.

His color is poor and he is breathing heavily.  There is no redness or discoloration around his gills.  I posted a picture Sunday morning of how he looked.  More of his tail has fallen apart since that picture was taken.

I am wondering if continuing to treat with Triple Sulfa is my best course of action.  I believe that I am dealing with septicemia, but its hard to be sure.  Also, what would you say are my fish's chances for survival?.

Thank you again for your time.

Kind regards,

Hi Catherine;

Poor guy. It definitely looks like a bacterial infection. I would use Kanamycin, or "Maracyn Two" if you can't get Kanamycin. They are both antibiotics that absorb into the fish as well as treating the outside. Clean his water every day so his immunity is stronger. Aquarium salt and Melafix are very helpful too. They can't cure the infection by themselves but are an excellent support for soothing the wounds and healing.

I really san't say what his chances are at this point. They are certainly better with your diligent care than at that fish store. It's disgusting to me how bettas are neglected in some of those places. What a shame.

I hope he feels better soon and makes a complete recovery...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins