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accident :o(

23 14:20:42

while changing my water about 5 minutes ago i accidentally clobbered my black moor w/ the siphon filter. i think i broke his top fin. it's folded over and he floats towards the top(i'm sorry fishy. :o().  will he be ok. i put a solution in the water thats supposed to help him heal. it's a natural one w/ no dyes. the fish like to chase the siphon filter for some reason. like a cat w/ a ball of yarn. normally i don't hit them but this time i didn't see him jet for it.

Edward,                                                      They can adapt to a disability better than we can. Definitely add a mild antibiotic like Melafix.... all natural and mild. Treat for 7 days and take your carbon out while you treating. When you are done change to new carbon and a 30% water change. This will make sure he don't get an infection from the injury. He will probably be fine. Good Luck, Tina ... edward, there is no way to know if a fish will due from an injury like that. Sorry he passed thats awful. I have seen oscars with broken jaws adapt to eat. I have seen goldfish with no eyes cause they lost them to popeye adapt and live fine long lives.I have seen goldfish with vitamin c deficiencies live with bent spines. Your fish probably died from the stress of the injury, but there was no way to know if this would happen or not, Tina