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sore on my pet piranha

23 11:44:51

A month ago I noticed a small spot on my piranha's external gill cover (cheek) below his eye. This spot apeared as an indentation with a white fuzzy fungal looking growth in it. I treated him with Tetra Lifeguard all-in-one treatment and the fuzzy white patch went away but the hole apears to be growing larger. I've had this fish for a number of years and would hate to lose him!

Hi Mike,
He should be treated with an antibiotic such as Tetracycline.  I would also add coppersafe to his water.  After a fish has been sick, he is weak, and is vulnerable to parasites.  There is no danger in combining these two medications.  You may also add diluted aquarium salt to his water which helps with stress, and parasites.  
I hope he gets better quickly.