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2 new small fantail goldfish

23 11:12:22


say hello to my little
I got my fantails two nights ago and I currently have them in a gallon bowl. I am getting a 10 gallon tank for them in the next week or so.

They see to be doing well so far, and I understand that they require the bigger tank. Is there anything extra I can do to keep them healthy until I get my tank?

Thanks so much!


 To house 2 fantail goldfish the needs to be no smaller than 30 gallons.  One needs 20 gallons with 10 gallons more per fish. Just make sure you are doing water changes often due to the fantail waste production. Goldfish produce quite a bit of ammonia and that can make the fish ill or even dead. Do not over feed because since they are in such a small bowl overfeeding can and will contaminate the water. The sooner you can get the 30 gallon tank the better off the fish will be. Make sure the new tank had a very good filter, but you will not need a heater. Good luck with your new little friends.