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My Parrot Fish are dying

23 11:56:58

I got on the internet to learn if they're is some sort of answer to why these fishes seem to die so mysteriously. Is it normal for them to all (Five) be lined up on the top of the aquarium steady swimming all in the same direction all facing WEST! 1 by 1 as ridiculous as it might sound by my observation as if they were all praying towards the west then 1 would swim down to the corner of the aquarium and die.  As I am finishing this question only one is left! Please help me understand.

Hi Luis,
This is most likely a lack of oxygen in your tank.  When fish react this way, it is because they need more oxygen.  Never fill your tank to the very top with water.  Leave a space, so that the water from your filter will splash down into the water of your tank to make more movement in the water.  An air stone could be added, and depending on your filter, a spray bar is good too.  Water changes every week of 25% help too.
If you have ammonia or nitrates in your tank, this could also be the reason.  You can buy these small test kits at your Pet store, and they should be number one in your fish cabinet.  Check to see if you have ammonia or nitrates in your tank, and if you do, do water changes every day of 10% to get rid of them.
Hope this helps