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Red Blotches

23 14:28:02

Hello Chris, I have had many tanks over the years. I love my aqauriums very much and i am dedicated to keep them in order. My question is my tank glass has got a lot of red blothes on it and to be honest with all my years of experience i have no clue what this is . Is it alge or too much calcium in the water please helpNone of my fish die because of it but it is becoming an eyesore in my tanks Thank You , Tom

Hi Tom;

It's probably a bacteria colony with algae-like characteristics called Cyanobacteria. More water changes and gravel vacuuming might be the answer. It reduces the organics that feed it. Some experts recommend antibiotic medication too but I've never had to go that far. I just replace more water more often, feed my fish less and it goes away. Using antibiotics can cause other imbalances and stress the fish. Here is a link to a good article about it;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins