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algae eater disappearing

23 14:53:15

Hi I have a 29 gallon tank with 2 tinfoil barb(7 inches), 3 gouramies(3 inches), 1 bala shark (4inches), and a plecostomus algea eater(4 inches). Just reacentley my algea eater disappeared. I have looked everywere in my tank and I cant find him. I have been feeding him wafers and zucchini. He looked pretty healthey to me. One thought that I had  is that one of my 3 cats got him but the only place they could reach in the tank is were my heater goes through the plastic (witch is a vaery small area in the back). I was also wondering if one of my other fish could have eaten him. PLEASE HELP!

Hi Geoffrey;

It's possible he died and the other fish ate him but you would see part of a skelton somwhere. They have a bony head that is kind of triangular. You might want to lift up all the rocks and look under and inside of your decorations if there are hollow spaces. It sounds unlikely that he jumped out. I hope he turns up and he's okay.......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins