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my gouranis sick

23 14:12:03

I have a dwarf gourami in a ten gallon tank with some tetra's. I know it's small but I live in a dorm room right now. Recently my gourami has got something wrong with it. Part of it's upper lip is puffy and red. He's acting fine and it's not an open wound like an ulcer, but it is getting bigger. I can't figure out what's wrong with him. please help.

Hello Kate-

Sorry for the wait - What you're seeing sounds like a tumor. Most tumors in fish are generally harmless, and most fish will "scratch" the tumor off on a rock. The area will grow a scab of white scales and will eventually heal. To help your gourami deal with the tumor, you can give a small dose of both Melafix and aquarium salt. There is nothing you can do to remove the tumor, but you can help your fish cope until the tumor stabilizes or your gourami removes it.

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman