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growth on bettas head

23 13:56:58


white growth on betta
I have a betta fish in a 3 gallon eclipse tank with a biowheel.  I do 50% water changes 2xs a week until the tank will be cycled.  she has been in her tank for approx 8 weeks.  She used to be in a small fish bowl until I read how that is bad for her.  When she was in the small bowl she had no illnesses at all but since moving her to the bigger tank She developed a small white growth on her head above her eyes. with 2 smaller one back further.  I thought she had a fungus and treated her with jungle cure for fungus with no results.  She doesn't appear ill at all.  now when i do her water changes I add prime to her water and add a small amount of dissolved aquarium salt. This seems to help shrink the growth slightly. ( all the other ones have not changed in size since seeing them 4 weeks ago.)  I researched all illnesses it could be but it doesn't seem to fit. (ex ick, hole in head, the parasite that looks like hairs Cotton like)  I just can't seem to think what it could be from.  Could
stress from changing her to a bigger aquarium cause this?

Thank you ver much for your time

Hello Dina,

Not so much stress from moving, more like stress from changes in water. If a fish is used to a certain kind of water, changing it suddenly can shock their system. Say if in the bowl it was always below the normal tropical temperature, and the ammonia was always a little too high, then suddenly she is put into a tank with warm, clean water - then yes - it can cause things like this sometimes. I recommend adding more decor, keep that light much dimmer, and cut back on feeding for a bit (her belly looks gigantic - could be dropsy). After a day or two if she is not starting to recover, you might use a cure all such as a combo of Melafix and Pimafix, or LifeGuard. Be sure not to overdose, though it is rather hard to with those medications. Continue to use aquarium salt. Please come back in about two or three days after making the above changes and let me know how she is doing. In the meantime I will ask around for you about her condition and I will let you know if anything comes up.