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Cichlid, Pop eye

23 13:57:04

Ron, I have a south american cichlid, about 7 years old, approx. 14" in a 75 Gallon Tank. Friday after work I noticed that he had a popeye. I changed half of the tank water, removed the filter, added melafix, Amomonia remover and neutral regulator. later on I purchased Maracyn-Two and added the required dose. He was still pretty responsive eventhought it looked like he was blind at the popeye. However, today he is very nonresponsive. I am afraid that he is also having sight problems with the other eye. What else can I do?

Hi Elvi,
  When was the last water change before you did the most recent one?  You should ideally be changing 25% of his water once a week, every week.
Water changes are the best medicine.  

-- Ron
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