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Oscar fish question

23 11:59:02

I have two Oscars about 3-4 inches long in a 50 gallon tank.  I first put in the albino and the next day added another Oscar that I bought(dark colored with orange). The albino picked on him, so I rearranged the tank and he still picked on him.  The dark colored Oscar just stays at the bottom of the tank underneath the heater or underneath a piece of driftwood.  I put a petition in the tank to separate them until the darker fish got used to the tank and was aggravated by the albino, but this is the third day now and he still acts very shy or scared. Not sure if he is eating. On the other hand, the albino is doing great, eating well. etc.  Can you help?

Hi Deborah,
 You need to add a LOT of structure (wood, rock, plants) to the tank to break up the space and provide hiding places for the weaker fish.  Once he knows he has a place to retreat to, if need be, he will venture out more.   

-- Ron
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