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air in bladder

23 15:11:49

We have a pink cichlid and just purchased another.  Not another pink, but a cichlid.  Per the sales person, we were told they could be in the same tank together. We found out a day later that the new fish was too aggressive and we put them into different tanks.  However, now our once healthy pink cichlid is not doing well.  I called the local fish store and was told that it sounded like he has air in the bladder and possibly eye clout.  What is the survial rate of these two problems and are they easily corrected?  She indicated that it sounds like it is too late and that he is most likely going to die in the next day or two.

Hi Kristina,
  By eye clout, I believe you mean a cloudy eye?  A cloudy eye is caused when a fish's eye is bit by another fish. The eye reacts by going cloudy.  Often the eye is the first part of a fish to be bitten when fish fight.  The good news is that fish eyes are remarkable resistant to permanent damage and the cloudiness usually heals within a few days to weeks (provided the fish doesn't get bitten again).

 As for air in the bladder, that is much more serious.  I assume that your fish is "puffed up".  If that truly is the case then it can be touch and go.  Basically, as long as the fish is upright and able to swim, the odds of recovery are good. However, once the fish looses its ability to remain upright, the odds are very low that it will recover.

-- Ron
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