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My new betta fish,,,, again

23 14:11:19

Hi, i just recently e-mailed you about my betta fish and i got food specifically for betta with bloodworm but this time he doesn't even notice the food. I don't know what to do with him. Every day he looses more and more color on his tail fins and they're becoming brittle and falling off. I don't want him to die can you please help. Thank you.

Hi David,
This is not normal in the least. Are you keeping his water clean? He may have been in terrible conditions for a long time and it's finally getting to him. Keep his water as fresh and clean as possible, make sure you are using water conditioner, and try feeding him either microworms or liquid fish food. Make sure his water is warm - between 75 and 85 degrees F because cold water can make a tropical fish lethargic and their metabolism slow waaay down.
It may be too late at this point, but hopefully not. I will hope for the best.