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Beta Tail and Fin

23 14:57:32

We rescued a male beta-splendin fish from wal-mart which we now keep in a two gallon tank with rocks, plants and a heater.  He lives by himself.  He's been healthy for about three weeks, blowing bubble nests, and eating regularly.  But over the past twenty four hours his dorsal and tail fin (this is the best way we've come to describe it) almost fuse at the tip. He was a blue finned fish, but along with this fin transformation he's turned pink at the tips also. He struggles slightly swimming with this handicap.  We didn't know what to do, so I got on the website and came across your site, you seem educated, and still willing to learn, but have you heard of anything like this before? if so, please let us know what we can do to help our fish. We've also changed the tank water recently and all levels of nitrite, nitrate, and pH are all golden. Please help!!  

Hi Debra;

Poor little guy. He's lucky you rescued him. It sounds like he has a case of finrot. Change 50% of his water every day and hopfully that will help. Here is a list of web pages about it and what else you can do;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins