Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Is my fish depressed or something?

Is my fish depressed or something?

23 11:04:08

QUESTION: My fish has been acting strange ever since it's tank mate died. It's doesn't move as much as it us to and it us to love to eat but now it hardly ever eats. I has two fish but now one since the other passed away. My fish lives in a one gallon tank, the water temperature is room temperature, and I make sure the water is clean if it even starts to look icky I clean it immediately. Oh I use a water treatment to make sure the water is safe. So what's wrong with my fish?

ANSWER: Brittany,
This most important thing was left out. What kind of fish is it? One gallon is not big enough for one fish let alone two. I am sure your fish is lonely because its partner is now gone. Please, let me know what kind of fish this is and also, please get it a larger home.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the information about my fish. I plan to get it a bigger home soon, just don't have the money at the moment. I don't know what type of fish it is but I took a picture of it and I hope you can see it. I probably won't get another fish for it till I get a bigger tank since you said 1 gallon is too small for one.

The Molly looks good so i do not think it is sick, just probably lonely now. You can get a 5 gallon tank pretty cheap and then you will be able to have a couple of fish. Just make sure you are doing water changes every other day until it is out of the 1 gallon tank.