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My Bettas Not Eating After His Illness

23 15:05:56

Dear Chris,

Glad I found your site.  I have a blue Betta, named Lennon.  He's 16 mos. old.  He's been incredibly healthy and happy until four days ago, when I woke up to find half of his right fin missing.  I did some research, determined it was probably fin rot, and changed the water to a "hospital bowl" (removing plants, toys, gravel; providing fresh spring water; in a new, similar bowl).  I've been treating him with a BettaFix remedy (with tea-tree extract) for four days, and the fin seems better.

The problem is, I notice he hasn't been eating for 3 or 4 days.  I'm concerned about him.  He sees the pellets I drop in.  He eagerly approaches and pounces on the food.  He chews (I can hear him chomping)...and then, he spits it out and swims to the bottom.

I moved him to the warmest place in the house. He's by a heat vent.  The little thermometer in his bowl say 70-72 degrees. (This is warmer than the water generally is).  Would it be feasible to try and change to mealworms now?  (He's never had them).  What else can I do to encourage him to eat?  Are there other foods? And how long can he go without eating like this?  I love this little guy, and want to see him get better.  Please respond soon, as time is of the essence.  Thank you for your input!

He's in a small fish bowl, usually close to a gallon...I've got him in about half of that now (to conserve his energy swimming around).  

Hi Lorraine;

He is just too cold. The lowest temperature they can tolerate is 75, and even in my opinion that is even too low. When sick it needs to be up to 80 or 82. Get a desk lamp and direct it at his bowl. This should help. It will have to be on 24 hours a day. If the temperature doesn't get over 75 you might have to consider getting a little 4 or 5 gallon tank with a thermostatically controlled heater. He is getting older now and will tolerate the cold much less that he did as a younger fella.

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Chris Robbins

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