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Ick in tank

23 11:25:26

Hi I have a question about my tank.  I have a fifty gallon.  I did a test on the water 2 days ago and it was all in normal range but I woke up this morning to see ick on my rasbora fish and my dwarf gourami.  I want to treat right a way but i have a baby bichir fish in the tank and am scared the med will hurt him.  I don't have a second tank so I am unsure of what to to.  Thanks for your time.

The bichir are tough. Don't worry about him.

What I do to treat ich is turn the temperature up slowly to 82F and if that doesn't kill the ich in a day or two, do a water change. is that still doesn't work, get a really simple nox ich type of medicine, the liquid form works the best, but it can dye the silicon of the tank blue.