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Beta Fish,, Advice

23 14:43:43

I visted the pet store and they said i did NOT need a heater.. im confused! I
want a small bowl with a lid and am upset since i can not find one... they just
need warm light i thought to keep the water warm! Is this accurate? =)
The text above is a follow-up to ...


I want a male red beta fish from a local pet store, but im worried.
Can you help me?
I don't do well with fish that die! I can't handle it?
Just tell me should i get a fish? A beta Fish?

Will my cat eat it, should i get a tank with a top,  what temp should the water
me at, how do i clean it, what should i feed it, and anything else you could
add! PLEASE! Reply a.s.a.p. Thank you!
Hello Lorelai-

Bettas are great fish - They have a lot of personality and grow very attached
to their owners. They are easy to care for as well!

You'll need:

A tank with a lid (not a fish bowl)
A heater
Water Conditioner

Bettas need their water to be about 75 - 80 F. Be sure to buy a heater that is
the same size (in gallons) as the tank. The lid will protect your betta from
your cat, and will stop him from jumping out (bettas like to jump!) As for
food, your pet store should have betta pellets that will work just fine. The
water conditioner is VERY important! Add it to the water before you add your
fish - Tap water that is untreated can kill your fish.

Hope this is useful! Feel free to e-mail
-Amber Worman

Hello Lorelai-

Your betta needs something to keep the water at 75-80 F. Without a light or a heater, the water will be room temperature (between 60-70 F) and this is too cold. Most pet store employees don't know what they are talking about - they assume since a betta arrives in a tiny cup with no heater, they can live that way their entire lives - wrong! :)

You probably won't find a bowl with a lid, as only 2.5 gallon tanks (or anything bigger than that) come with lids (or "hoods" as they are called.) I wouldn't recommend keeping a betta in a tiny bowl anyways; check out the "Hex" tanks - They are small and cheap, but have everything a betta needs, including a lid and a light!

Hope this is helpful!
-Amber Worman