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Fish treats

23 14:37:53

hi the answers to your questions are: had the tank 6 month, 40cm high, 30 cm deep, we have 1 upside down catfish,3 angel fish, 3 danios ( 2 zebra and 1 pearl),1 gourami, 2 loaches. we did have more but alot have been dying lately. fluval filter pH is 7.0 nitrite is 25, we change the water 1 once a week and the tank is 62 liters. i need to no if you can give the fish banana and apple, i know about cucumber but do you know of any other treats you can give the fish. also do you know of a species of angel fish that are mini ones, because when we brought them the shop owners said the won't get munch bigger they are about 1.5 inches big, and would i be able to put tetras in or would the angel fish eat them and would i be able to get a Siamese fighting fish with what other fish we have.
Thank you

Hi Jamie;

I give my fish fruit sometimes too. I have offered bananas, apples and soft pears. I remove the seeds and give them the cores of pears and apples. As long as it isn't allowed to rot in there it's fine. Veggies last longer in the water though because they have a lot less natural sugar in them. I feed my fish spinach, romaine lettuce, cooked green beans, cooked and peeled peas. They are all necessary foods for many aquarium fish that are vegetarians.

The tank is just too small for angels. They all get to be over 4 inches in length and can be quite aggressive. The pet store is quite wrong about them not growing more. There are many color varieties and many fin shapes, but only one size of freshwater angel....Big. They should be in no tank smaller than 120 liters or so. If you add any other fish small enough for them to eat, they would certainly do it. Here is a profile page about them to see for yourself;

A siamese fighting fish should not be in with gouramis because they are in the same family. They would fight with each other.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins