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Jack Dempsey?

23 11:25:03


Jack Dempsey
I have a fish that I bought over a year ago, which I at the time believed to be a Jack Dempsey.  However, I've never really had anybody confirm that and I guess I would just like to know if that is what "he" is. I have seen Jack Dempsey cichlids before and I guess I'm not entirely convinced that is what my fish is.  I have attached a picture, if you need a better one let me know.

Currently he is about 5 inches long, but he's always growing.  This picture is from around the time I got him.  As for personality/behavior, he is quite aggressive and is only content with having a pleco as a tankmate.  As long as there are no other fish in the tank, he's a pretty calm though he does dig or spit stones sometimes at night.  

Thanks so much!

Hi Emily,
 From that picture, he could be a young Jack Dempsey.  Keep in mind that there are many Central American cichlids that look rather similar when they are young.

-- Ron C.
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