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breeding betta fish

23 11:25:06

can you help me? How do you breed two betta fish? i have a male and female both separated. when i clean out their tanks i put them together, but they ignore each other. do i need to get a different pair? Is the problem what I am feeding them (freezed dried blood worms and recently bettamin tropical medley) or that they aren't interested? Also what do i need to do to prepare the male for fertilizing (like a foam bowl that floats so he'll have shelter over the bubble nest)
Thank You So Much for taking the time to read this

Hi Nikki,
First you must make sure that the little female is pregnant.
Breeding bettas is not easy.  You must read about how to go about it.  It would be too long for me to write, and explain this all to you.  I can only tell you the basics, but you must read up on them, and before you try to breed them you must have a culture ready of "microworms"  The fry cannot eat anything else since they are so small.  Baby brine shrimp are too big for the little bettas to eat.  
You must have a 5 gallon tank ready with lots of hiding places for the female.  You put the male, and the female in at the same time.  He will blow a nest, if all goes well, sometimes it doesn't, so be prepared to remove the little female quickly.  She will try to go to him, if he is not ready, he will chase her with intent to kill, so never take your eyes off the spawn.  He can kill her in one second flat.  This is why you need lots of hiding places for her.
When he is ready, he will give her a sign, she will go to him, he will wrap himself around her, squeezing her body to let the eggs out.  He will let her go, she will go back down to the bottom of the tank, and he proceeds to blow the eggs into his nest.  She will go back to him, and so on.  This may last from 1-4 hours.  When it is over, he will chase her away, and you must remove her quicky.  The little female comes out of a spawn, ragged, tired, and sometimes badly hurt.  You must then provide her with a clean tank, and good quality food so she can regain her strength.
Personally, I do not feel that we should let the little female go through this.  She will let her eggs go when the time comes, she doesn't need a male.  You know she is pregnant when she has a white dot near her anal fin, and she will be plump.  There are so many bettas on the market looking for good homes.  You would not get much money for the fry.  Infact, you would pay more than you would receive to raise them.  Vendors get bettas for about 25 cents each.  This means you would be lucky to get 10 cents for them.  
If you really want to do this, you must read up on them.  There are articles on the web, and books which will guide you step by step.