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Bettas & Other Fish

23 14:50:47

I have a Betta, he's red and he lives in a 3 gallon tank. Now I also have two gold fish, three Rosy Reds and a Plec, in a 10 gallon tank. I was thinking about getting a 20 gallon or maybe another ten gallon tank, and putting the Betta in my other ten gallon tank with a couple more fish. Question is, can I put the Betta in with the three Rosy Reds? They're just a plain, solid white, small fins. Not flashy or showy at all. Would they be ok together? If not, what can I put with the Betta?

Hi Larissa,

The rosy reds would be better off in a different tank to the betta - they are essentially sub-tropical fish and bettas are tropical. The two species are not compatible.

Bettas are best off alone - they do not neccissarily need 'companionship' and live in isolation in their native Thailand.

The two goldfish will require at least a 30 gallon tank all to themself as they mature - common goldfish reach almost 10 inches and fancy goldfish about 8.

By the way - good job on your bettas' large tank. 3 gallons is a good size and I am sure he is very happy!
