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Bad eye

23 11:52:07

Hi i have a 12inch black piranha well i had it 3 day when i got it .. It had a cloudy eye and after a day i had a look at it and it looked as if there was a hole in the fishes lens so i put some melafix in the tank and nw his eye looks like the hole has gne bt its got like a cloudy glaze to the eye and also a cloudy volcano shape on the eye  can u tell me what ths could be and if it guna b ok?

Hi Sean,
Cloudy eye can be many things.  It could be that your water chemistry is off.  Check for ammonia, and nitrates.  Make sure your PH is higher than 6.8.  If your PH is low, this could be the reason.  If this is the case, do water changes, and buy a bag of crushed coral.  Wash it well, and add some to your filter till you get the right PH.  Don't bring the PH up to quickly, do this slowly.  Bring it up to 7.2  If your water chemistry is perfect, then it might be a bacterial infection.  You will have to treat him with a good antibiotic that you will find at your Pet Store.  How big is your tank?  This too could be a factor.  If he is in a tank too small for him, this could be a reaction to the environment.  Sometimes Cloudy Eye can turn into Popeye, this too can be a bacterial infection.
Treat with a combination of Maracyn, and Maracyn 2. for 7 days.  If this does not clear up his eye infection, treat with tetracycline.  Add one teaspoon of aquarium salt to five gallons of water.  Make sure you have no ammonia, nitrates, PH above 6.8 before your treat, and do water changes until the ammonia, and nitrates are out of your water if you do have some in your water.  This is very important.  Keep doing water changes every day until your water is safe.  Sometimes this will clear up Cloudy eye.
Hope this helps