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My New Betta Fish

23 14:11:22

Hi I just recently got a betta fish as a present and he's my first fish. I don't really know the normal behaviors of the fish but I've been observing his behavior and I'm just wondering if it's normal. Usually when he eats he will put the food in his mouth, keep it in his mouth for a couple of seconds then spit it back out. The brand of fish food i got was TetraMin and it says its for small tropical fish. I don't know if this is normal feeding habits of the fish but it sure does not seem like it. Another thing is that at the end of his long fins are starting to look white, now i don't know if this is normal and i just noticed it, or he has a problem. Thank you for you're time and if you need more details just ask.

Hello David,
Are you feeding him a brand made specifically for bettas? They are strictly carnivores and require a special diet. I find the best betta diet is the betta flakes by Omega One. It has cod, salmon, trout, and all sorts of other good stuff in there.
Try that along with some bloodworms and he should eat it just fine. Remember to crush up the flakes as small as possible - they have very tiny mouths!
As far as his coloring goes, it is most likely his normal coloring, but just to be sure, keep his water clean and if there is a problem it will go away.