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bettafish isnt eating

23 14:11:21

I've had my betta fish for 3 months. We just got back from a trip two weeks
ago and it was a little bumpy. He stopped eating since then and became
lethargic. He kept darting up and down and scratching against the rocks. I
flashed a light on him and he had velvet. I treated him with coppersafe and he
doesn't have it anymore but he's still not eating, still lethargic and now
floating on his side but not dead:(  I feed him frozen bloodworms maybe
that's it??? He's in a 1 gallon tank filtered but not heated. Treated tap water
and I recently changed his water about 2 days ago. I'm really concerned, I
don't want him to die so soon..

Thanks, krysten

The best thing you can do for a fish like this is keep his water super clean, and keep him as stress free as possible. Add some aquarium salt (just a few grains) and some BettaRemedy, along with a slime coat replacer and change his water every other day at LEAST.