Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Is My Beta Wayne On His Last Gills?

Is My Beta Wayne On His Last Gills?

23 15:07:08

I have a Beta which is about 1.5 years old.  He has lead a very
happy life, and has grown to quite larger than the average beta
because we keep him in a bowl.  Lately, he has not been eating.  
He goes for the food pellet once, misses, then does not try
again.  Is is possible he is going blind?  
He also flares his gills at me lately (not all the time, but every so
often).  He does seem to peck at the pellets that have fallen to
the bottom, but I am afraid that he is not getting enough food.  
I read in a previous response to another question, that
beta's need warmer water.  It had become colder in my
apartment, but this was not an issue last winter.  I am afraid my
fish is on his last gills.  What can I do?

Hi Emily;

It is possible he is losing his sight. If his water were warmer he may improve to where he could at least eat. Spitting out food or seeming to be interested but then not actually getting food is usually a symptom of cold water. As they age they need warmer water than usual, just like people.

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